Board Meetings & Bylaws

Monthly Meetings

Board meetings are generally held the third Sunday of each month at 7:00.

LAHA members are welcome to attend as observers. Visitor seating will be provided. Members may address the board upon meeting the following guidelines:

  • Submit via email to the Board President your agenda item, including your name, phone # and a brief description of the item you would like to discuss before 5:00 pm on the Monday prior to the meeting.

  • Members who wish to address the board will usually be scheduled for the beginning of the agenda. You will have 5 minutes to present your topic. Further discussion may or may not be possible during that meeting. If discussion will not be possible, you will be advised as to how your item will be handled.

  • The board reserves the right to close the meeting to visitors in order to discuss certain portions of the agenda.

  • Members that have not followed these guidelines will be advised to submit a request to address the board at a subsequent meeting.  

  • Each month the board has numerous items to discuss. These guidelines will allow the board to have an efficient and effective meeting. We appreciate your cooperation.


Meeting Dates

September 15, 2024

October 20, 2024

November 17, 2024

December 15, 2024

January 19, 2025

February 16, 2025

March 16, 2025

April 20, 2025

May 18, 2025

June 15, 2025

July 20, 2025

August 17, 2025

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